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Acta Poloniae Historica vol. 109

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Ukazał się nowy numer prestiżowego półrocznika w języku angielskim:

Acta Poloniae Historica

vol. 109

Studies on Nationality Issues in the Interwar Poland

Format A5, s. 314



Włodzimierz Mędrzecki, The Society of the Second Republic of Poland Revisited: The Nationality Issues

Olga Linkiewicz, Peasant Communities in Interwar Poland’s Eastern Borderlands: Polish Historiography and the Local Story

Kai Struve, Polish Peasants in Eastern Galicia: Indifferent to the Nation or Pillars of Polishness? National Attitudes in the Light of Józef Chałasiński’s Collection of Peasant Youth Memoirs

Piotr Cichoracki, Polonisation Projects for Polesia and Their Delivery in 1921-1939

Anna Engelking, Between the Lord and the Jew: Some Remarks on the Identity Structure of Belarusian kolkhozniks in the Late Twentieth and Early Twenty-first Centuries

Natalia Aleksiun, Together but Apart: University Experience of Jewish Students in the Second Polish Republic

Anna Novikov, Quieta non movere? The B’nai B’rith in East Upper Silesia 1921-1934

Torsten Lorenz, Changing Social Roles in a Polish-German Border Town: The Case of Międzychód/Birnbaum


Stanisław Ossowski, The Regional Bond and the National Bond in Opole Silesia: Some Aspects of Relevance (prefaced by Michał Łuczewski)


Piotr Wandycz, Short Histories of Poland

The Hungarian Historical Review. Acta Historica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae – New Series, ii, 4 (2013): Teréz Oborni (ed.), The Prince of Transylvania – Szymon Brzeziński; David Frick, Kith, Kin and Neighbors: Communities and Confession in Seventeenth-Century Wilno – Maria Cieśla; Jerzy Ogonowski, Sytuacja prawna Żydów w Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej 1918–1939. Prawa cywilne i polityczne [The Legal Situation of the Jews in the Republic of Poland from 1918 to 1939. Civil and Political Rights] – Anna Landau-Czajka; Maksym Hon, Iz kryvdoyu na samoti: Ukrayins’ko-yevreĭs’ki vzayemyny na zakhidnoukrayins’kych zemlyakh u skladi Pol’shchi (1935-1939) – Włodzimierz Mędrzecki; Béla Tomka, A Social History of Twentieth-Century Europe – Adam Kożuchowski



Dritte Tagung Deutsche Polenforschung ‘Wissen, Verstehen, Übersetzen: Nachbarn im Dialog’, Gießen, Germany, March 20-22, 2014 – Maciej Górny

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