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Stosunki Angielsko-Holenderskie w XVII i XVIII wieku.

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Proszę Was serdecznie o pomoc w pracy pisemnej na studiach pod tytułem: Stosunki Angielsko-Holenderskie w XVII i XVIII wieku.Chodzi mi to mianowicie o to jakiej tu literatury można użyć.Na chwilę obecną mam o wojnach na morzu z książek Kosiarza o żegludze i i Historię powszechną Rostworowskiego ale przydało by się coś jeszcze.Z góry pięknie dziękuje za pomoc.

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Biorąc pod uwagę charakter tematu do tych pozycji już zapewne dotarłeś, ale na wszelki wypadek podaję: J. Balicki, M. Bogucka, Historia Holandii, Ossolineum 1989 (II wydanie) - i pozycje wymienione tam we wskazówkach bibliograficznych na s. 436; H. Zins, Historia Anglii, Osolineum i Bellona 1995 (wydanie III) i pozycje wymienione tam we wskazówkach bibliograficznych na s. 390-401.

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Catteral Ralph "Anglo-Dutch relations 1654-1660"

J. Balicki, M. Bogucka Historia Holandii

Farnell J.E "The Navigatin Act of 165, the first Dutch War and the London Merchant Community" 1964

Firth "Secretary Thurloe on the Relation of England and Holland" 1906

Gardiner Samuel "History of the Commonwealth and Protectorate t.2" 1903 Londyn- Nowy Jork- Bombaj, Longmans, Green & co.

Godfrey Davies "The early Stuarts 1603- 1660" 1959 Oxford, Clarendon Press

Groenveld S. "The English Civil Wars as a Cause of the first Anglo- Dutch War" 1987

Hill Christopher "Olivier Cromwell i rewolucja angielska" tłum. Irena Szymańska 1988 Warszawa

Hirst Derek "Authority and conflict: England 1603- 1658" 1986 Londyn, Edvard Arnold

Israel Jonathan "The Dutch Republic:its raise, greatness, and fall 1477- 1806" 1995 Oxford, Clarenton Press

Kędzierski "Historia Anglii" 1986 Wrocław, Zak. Nar. im. Ossolińskich

Ludlow Edmund "Memoire de Ludlow t.2" 1823 Paryż, Imprimerie de A. Belin

Ogg David "Europe in the 17-th Century" 1962 Nowy Jork

Prestwich M. "Diplomacy and Trade in the Protectorate" 1950

Roberts Michael "Swedish diplomats at Cromwell's court, 1655-1656. The mission of Julius Coyet and Christer Bonde." 1988 Londyn, Offices of the Royal Historical Society

Roberts Clayton, Roberts David "A history of England t.1" 1980 New Jersey, Prentice - Hall

Routledge Frederick "The Negotiation between Charles II and the Cardinad de Retz, 1658- 1659" 1956

Trevelyan George "Historia Anglii" tłum. Antoni Dębnicki 1963 Warszawa, PIW

Warwick Philip "Memoires de sir Philippe Warwick sur la regne de Charles I er et ce qui s'est passe depuis la mort de Charles I er jusqu'a la restauration des Stuart" 1827 Paryż, Imprimerie de A. Belin

Wilson Charles "Profit and power. A study of England and the Dutch Wars" 1978 Haga- Boston- Londyn,

Adams S.L. "Britain and Europe in 17th Century" 1966 Londyn

Aubery Maurier "Memoires pour servir a l'histoire de Holland et des autres Provinces Unis"

Barbour "Dutch- English Mercant Shipping in the 17-th Century" 1926-30

Davies Ralph "English Mercant Shipping and Anglo-Dutch rivalry in the 17th Century" 1975 Londyn

Deddaway F.W "History of Europe 1610-1715" 1968

Edmundson George "Anglo-Dutch Rivalry 1600-1653" 1911 Oxford

Feiling Keith G. "British Foreign Policy 1600-1672" 1930 Londyn

Firth "English and British policy towards the Netherlands from middle ages to 1914"

Gachard Louis Prosper "Histoire politique et diplomatique de Pierre- Paul Rubens" 1877 Bruksela

Gardiner Samuel, Atkinson C.T. "Letters and papers Relating to the first Dutch war 1651-1654" 1898-1930, Navy Record Society

Geyl Pieter "The Netherlands in the Seventeenth Century" 1964 Londyn

Haley K.H.D "The British and the Dutch" 1988 Londyn

Harper L.A. "The English Navigation Acts" 1939 Nowy Jork

Lomas "The state papers of the Early Stuarts and the Interregnum" 1933

Devries, Harry "The Anglo-Dutch War 1672-1674

Israel, J. "The Dutch primacy in the world trade 1585-1740

Maarten Tromp The First Anglo-Dutch War

Oliver Warner Great Sea Battles

Roger Hainsworth and Christine Churches The Anglo Dutch Naval Wars 1652-1674

Gijs Rommelse The Second Anglo-Dutch War (1665-1667) : raison d'état, mercantilism and maritime strife

Lademacher, H ., Geschichte der Niederlande

Israel, J ., The Dutch Republic

Morill J. "Olivier Cromwell and the English Revolution" 1990

Thurloe J. "A Collection of State Papers" 1742

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C.R. Boxer "The Dutch Seaborne Empire 1600-1800"

A. Douglas Irwing "Mercantilism and Strategic Trade Policy: The Anglo-Dutch Rivarly for the East India Trade", "Journal of Political Economy", nr. 99 (6), 1991

tegoż, "Strategic Trade Policy and Mercantilism Trade Rivalries", "American Economic Review", nr. 2, 1982

C.A. Bayly "Imperial Meridian: The British Empire and the World 1870-1830".

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