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PZL.37 Łoś- ciężki myśliwiec.

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Yes, to have good and reliable engines – it was always the problem, at least for Russian-, Italian-, and Japanese Air Forces. They solved it with a help of a licensed production (also Czechs before the war), but it haven´t always led to optimal results. I think, the discussion the topic „P 37 Los – the heavy fighter“ should stop because it would be just cheating…

 Recently, I noticed 2 things concerning P-37, though there are details only:


First - concerning the opening the canopy. During the First World War, first combat pilots were recruited to Air Forces from the cavalry, and they used to mount on a horse from left side (from the PORT). To this was adapted later opening the cabin – from the port of the aircraft, to right side. I have seen the youtube shot of the alarm start of P-37 Los, and – its crew got onto the plane from right side (from STARBOARD), and therefore a pilot opened the cabin to left side. This is such a curiosity of the design.


Second – concerning the camouflage: unlike other Polish military planes of 1930s, P. 37 Los probable haven´t worn a typical Polish camouflage consisted of (Polish) khaki on upper side and pale blue on under side, but chocolate brown („milk chocolate“ – not so dark as French colour Chocolat) and silverish grey.  Fragments of a crashed plane showed this fact, which was exploited for the building of the Los replica in Mielec (youtube: Grand opening – Mielec, September 2012) and also Wojciech Krajewski confirms it in other shot (youtube: Prawdziwe kolory bombowca).

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